Tuesday, December 29, 2009


We had a wonderful Christmas! Matthew and Ella received beautiful gifts everywhere we went and Mommy and Daddy have spent the last couple days trying to make room for all their new things! Here is Matthew at Grandma and Grandpa Peppler's house on Christmas morning. He is playing with his new farm toys from Uncle Kyle and Lindsey! He LOVES them!

This is Matthew at Grandma and Grandpa Phegley's house on the 26th. He is playing with his new barn. It is pretty funny to watch him flap his wings like the chicken does on the barn!

Little Miss Ella received a new pink chair that is just her size! Can't wait for her to get a little bigger so she can play with some of her new toys! Right now, Mommy and Daddy are enjoying playing with them!

Here is Matthew at home checking out what Santa brought! He really likes his new Lego table and basketball hoop that he can make slam dunks on. We thought about raising it up, but decided we would build his confidence for right now and adjust the height later!

Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmases. We certainly did! Thank you to everyone for all the wonderful gifts! We are having lots of fun with all our new toys!

Monday, December 28, 2009


At the risk of having my husband and brother-in-law never speak to me again, I post this video! My mom got my dad a karaoke machine for Christmas and Ryan and Jared were among the first to try it out! Needless to say, we enjoyed their rendition of RESPECT!!! Hope you enjoy it as well!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Our Family

The Pepplers 2009

Daddy's little girl...

Mommy's little angel...

Big brother, Matthew

Ella Joy 11-18-2009

We had Ella's first photo shoot the other day. A good friend of ours, Chelsea Buwalda, took pictures of our family. We couldn't wait to share them with you! Ella is getting so big! She is still sleeping much of the time. Matthew is quite fond of his little sister all of a sudden and climbs up on the couch every chance he gets to give his baby sister a kiss. Hope you enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hello, dear blog...

It has been awhile since our last post... I must admit I have been a bit busy and slightly overwhelmed. The transition from one baby to two has been easy at times and absolutely exasperating the very next minute. I have learned a few things in the 3 short weeks that I have been caring for 2 small children:
1. Both children need/deserve my full attention every waking minute (even if those waking minutes are in the middle of the night). I have had to accept the fact that the dishes just might not get done or someone might come to the door right after Matthew dumps all his blocks on the floor for the 5th time.
2. Trends do not necessarily make habits. Ella only got up 2 times every night for the first 2 weeks of her life. Since that time, she has been up multiple times every night, sometimes for hours at a time. Last night was our longest night to date as I was awake from 11:18 PM until sometime after 4 AM.
3. This adjustment has probably been the hardest for Matthew. Sometimes I just scoop him up in my arms and hold him because I know he doesn't quite understand where he took a wrong turn and ended up with a little sister. He is typically very sweet with her, but I know he is probably pondering, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" He is just not able to articulate that to us.
4. Getting ready to go somewhere is much more difficult than it was with one child. I am looking forward to the day when Matthew understands the meaning of "hold my hand" and "you have to wait right here." Currently it is just easier to stay home although I know it is so good for all of us to get out of the house.
5. Phone calls and visits are so important. After spending most of my day reading books, cleaning fruit snacks out of the carpet, and building with Mr. Potato Head, adult interaction is critical to my sanity. I am so thankful for the strong support system I have around me, and that Ryan is able to help shoulder some of the load when he gets home from work.
6. Finally, I have learned that just when you think you have offered your last hug or given your last smile, your child can do something so sweet that your heart melts and somehow you have the ability to go on. Yes, my patience has been tested. Yes, I have felt like I might just not survive until 4 o'clock when Daddy gets home. Yes, there are moments when I feel like I am hanging on by a thread (a very frayed thread). BUT... I wouldn't change where I am in life right now for anything. I feel so blessed that God has chosen me to be Matthew and Ella's Mommy. I know there will be more moments of craziness, but for right now, I am just going to soak up this moment and love my babies the best I can. Hugs!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ryan's New Blog

Hey, all! Ryan has started a new blog. www.minorleaguedad.blogspot.com

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bath Time Fun!

Matthew 2 months old!

Ella 3 days old!
I think they look like siblings, don't you?!?

We are enjoying being home. Miss Ella has been quite good since we arrived home on Friday. She has only been up twice both nights and is adjusting to life in the Peppler family quite nicely. Matthew is slowly taking more interest in his baby sister. Cousin Jacob and Caleb got to meet Ella for the first time this morning. She is going to have an entire entourage of boys to look after her! Have a great week!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Coming home today (Friday)

No pictures today. Just news. We are coming home tonight (Friday), so if anyone was planning on coming to the hospital, don't. We're planning on being home around dinnertime tonight. Jamie is doing so well that the doctor released her this morning. Ella has been passing all her tests as well. Hope all is well with everyone else. We could not be happier if we tried!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Picture of the day

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ella Joy

She's here! At 12:02 p.m., Miss Ella Joy Peppler made her much anticipated appearance in the world. 7 lbs, 15 oz., 20 inches long. And TONS of long, brownish, redish hair. Mommy and Ella are doing great. (Daddy and Matthew are, as well.) Check out the pics in the other post!

She's here!!! Pictures to prove it, too!

Monday, November 16, 2009


I might be the happiest person on earth right about now! I just received an email from work informing me that the temporary visitor policy banning children under the age of 18 from entering the hospital HAS BEEN LIFTED!!!!! I am so happy that Matthew will be allowed to come and visit us while we are at the hospital! I was very much dreading having to leave him for a couple days. I might even consider staying an extra day in the hospital at this point. I was originally planning to come home after 48 hours (72-96 is typical stay for a c-section), but now I may go ahead and stay the extra day!!!! I think I was more anxious about not being able to see him than I was about having my abdomen sliced open again! Now, I can just relax and wait for Wednesday to arrive!!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Random pictures

Leaf time with Mommy and Daddy


One of Matthew's favorite activities is to see how small of a space his little body can fit into. This is him after he got stuck behind his ladder on his playground.

Ok, time to start trying to get out...

Little bit farther...

Help me!!!!

Modeling for the camera...

For those who do not know...

We will be delivering Ella at Dupont Hospital (not Lutheran). Since I work at Dupont now, we have opted to deliver there this time! Just didn't want anyone showing up at the wrong place to visit! Same visiting arrangement still exist as in previous post!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

2 hour doctor appointment

Well, I spent over 2 hours at the doctor this morning and I was the first appointment! The NP wanted to do a biophysical profile (ultrasound) to make sure little Miss Ella was doing OK since my BP is still elevated. She wouldn't hold still for the ultrasound and they measured her heart rate in the 190's, so then they sent me for a non-stress test. She performed beautifully for that with her heart rate in the 150's-160's. Once that was complete, I was allowed to come home and lay on my left side until I go back to the doctor on Monday! The best news out of the entire appointment was that Ella appears healthy and is still an Ella! We are so grateful that less than a week from now we will be holding her in our arms! Can't wait!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Thinking of You Thursday...

Today, I am thinking...

1. About all the stuff I need to get done tomorrow. My doctor took me off work this morning, but I convinced her to let me return for one more day. I am going back in the morning to try to get a few loose ends tied up before maternity leave.

2. About all the other moms out there who have been in my shoes before. Trying to rest with a 14 month old around is easier said than done! I am trying to behave!

3. About all the women in my life who have, at one time or another, played a motherly role. I am learning more and more everyday that it does indeed take a village to raise a child. I am so blessed with an incredible mom and wonderful women role models in my life who have spurred me on and encourage me everyday!

4. About all the people I know who are pregnant and expecting little bundles of joy. What an exciting time! I am so blessed to be right there with you!

5. About all the women I know who have loved and lost or who may never have children of their own. Each of you has an amazing gift to share with the world and I am so blessed to know you and share my life with you! Thank you for the important role you have played in my life!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Arrival Arrangements

Ella is still slated to arrive on November 18th around 11:30, although I can honestly say I wouldn't mind an earlier delivery if she so desires. That said, there are a few things that are different this time around with the emergence of H1N1. Matthew will not be allowed to come to the hospital to visit at all while I am there. No one under the age of 18 is allowed in the hospital unless it is for a medical procedure. Although I understand why this new policy is in place, I am dreading leaving him for a couple days. Also, there is a 2-visitor policy at the hospital that only allows 2 visitors to come in at a time. With this news, we are trying to warn people ahead of time that if you plan to come to the hospital please be aware of these changes. Also, since Matthew will not be allowed in to see me, I am planning to come home after 48 hours instead of the usual 72-96 allowed after a c-section. If all goes as planned, we will go in on Wednesday morning, and I hope to be coming home by Friday afternoon. We look forward to introducing Ella to the world, however, it may be a little different this time around!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Have a safe and happy Halloween from our little penguin!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Three Things

Three things happened today to us that we had to share.

1. At church yesterday, we let Matthew down after the service, and he proceeded to make his way into the main aisle, and begin dancing (Hot dog dance style) right in the middle of the aisle to the beat of the praise band's music!

2. The second funny thing to happen occurred on the way home from church. We were driving through town, and Jamie got a nice kick from Ella. She said "Ella!", and Matthew proceeded to raise his arm and make the sound for an elephant!!! The little stinker is always paying attention!

3. Finally, we bought Matthew a little tent at Kohl's on Saturday. It was the best money we've ever spent. The tent has a tube attached to it that he can crawl through. Here are a couple of pictures of him playing in the tent.

Before Matthew's nap yesterday, we were picking up toys, and we took his tent back to his room to get it out of the way. When we came back into the family room, we were met with our little guy dragging the tent back into the family room! I guess we weren't supposed to put that one away!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Daddy Time....

Matthew certainly loves hanging out with his Daddy. Here they are at the Fashion Farm in Ligonier. We went there to pick out pumpkins and go on a hayride, but the fire trucks and ambulances were the hit of the show for Matthew and Jacob.

Matthew loves his Daddy so much sometimes he dresses like him for church. Here he is with Ryan's glasses on all ready to go!

One of Matthew's new favorite activities is getting up and down off the couch. He can do it by himself and he just loves it when Daddy tickles him while he is up there!
I am so thankful for Ryan during these last few weeks of pregnancy. It is getting harder and harder for me to get down on the floor to play, so I am very grateful when Daddy gets home and can entertain our very active little guy!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's that time again...

Well, I have officially reached the point in my pregnancy where EVERYONE thinks I look like I am going to pop! I am quite amused by this time because people say whatever they think! Here are a few examples I have heard this week:

"Just how big is this baby going to be?" (this was said by a nurse practitioner at my doctor's office).

A lady in the waiting room at the hospital: "When are you due?" Me: "November 18th." Response: "That is going to be one BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG baby!"

Matthew pointing to my belly: "Ball."

A lady in a parking lot: "WHOA! You look like you're about ready to POP!"

A man at church: "You look sooooooooooooo uncomfortable."

A woman at church: "My husband said we were going to have a new baby in the neighborhood this week." When I replied that the baby wasn't due until mid-November she replied, "Oh my."

Ryan after I came out of the bedroom in a shirt that was not maternity and waaaaay too tight, "I feel sorry for the buttons."

Hope you enjoy some of these as much as I have! I better go figure out which tent I am going to wear out of the house today! Have a great day!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


My friend, Sara's, mom is still in the hospital. They have actually ruled out H1N1 and are now working on a new diagnosis. Please pray for good test results and answers for them.

Melinda went home to be with Jesus yesterday afternoon. Please pray for their family and her 10 year old daughter during this most difficult time.

Bill is doing well and is up and about. He is still very sore and will have a long recovery ahead. Please continue to lift him up.

I went to the doctor this AM and my BP was only 128/72!!!! Hooray! I am measuring 4 weeks ahead of schedule, but I think little Ella would prefer to incubate a little longer!

That's all the updates I have for right now... Hope everyone has a great day!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Prayer Warriors

For all who believe in the power of prayer, we need your help!!!

1. My good friend from high school's mother was just admitted to the hospital with H1N1. She has been sick for more than a week and her fever will not stay down. Please pray for Sara's family during this difficult time.

2. Another friend's sister in law had a massive heart attack this morning and is in the ICU in Fort Wayne. Please pray for healing for Melinda. Don't know any other details... just requesting prayers.

3. Finally, some other friends of ours father is in the ICU following unexpected open heart surgery on Friday. He is recovering, but still in need of prayers and healing. Please say a prayer for Bill if you have time.

We feel pretty helpless in all these situations right now, but know the best thing we can offer are our prayers. Will you join us?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Hot Dog Dance

Matthew has three things that stop him in his tracks.

1. Food. Anything that you are eating. He will try it. And if he likes it, you are in trouble because he WILL come back for more.

2. Veggietales. When we let him watch Veggietales, he sits down in his chair, and is a zombie, eyes drawn to the cartoon vegetables. Gotta love good cartoons!

3. Mickey Mouse's Hot Dog Dance. This is something they sing at the end of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I was lucky enough to tape the song for him the other day, and here he is, performing a dance and song routine!


Matthew did not like his haircut. The funny thing is that this is not his first one. He has had several, but this is the first one that Daddy came along for. Notice Daddy has to hold Matthew down. Everything went pretty smooth...Matthew cried, but not as hard as the last time. The little guy could hardly breathe after the last haircut because he cried so hard. This time...much better!!!

Picture Post - Playing in the Yard!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things...

Hot apple cider
Crisp fall leaves
Warm colors
Big sweaters
Hooded sweatshirts
Cool air
Happy Autumn!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Doctor Update

Well, Matthew and I went to the doctor yesterday and my BP is elevated - 142/86. :( I think it is because Matthew was along, but my doctor did not buy it. She threatened bedrest, but since I am not the bedrest kind of girl, I agreed to check it everyday for the next 2 weeks and behave myself in the meantime. Of course, the health of Baby Ella is the most important, so I will try to take it easy and rest when Matthew is resting. I am not sure how Mommas of toddlers ever do bedrest. I am hopeful that it won't creep any higher and we will be able to continue our daily routine for now. Will keep you posted! Have a happy Thursday!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Pay it Forward

Well, the move is complete. Today, the moving men came to my office and hauled all my stuff to my new space. It was quite an ordeal. I had a full schedule of patients to see in my disheveled old office while they were trying to move huge filing cabinets full of patient files at the same time. I never knew I had so much stuff in one small space. I was without a computer or phone for most of the day, so it was a bit overwhelming once everything was up and running again. The best part of my day came when I walked into my old office one last time to find Debrand truffles sitting there. A team member brought them to me for helping her out last week! What a beautiful surprise! Sometimes I wonder how this world would be different if we all took a moment each day to surprise someone else??? Her act of kindness left me feeling like showing others random acts of kindness this afternoon. I wonder if each of us did just one nice, unexpected thing for someone today, how they might respond and what the ripple effect might be. It's worth a try, don't you think?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thankful Thursdays...

Today, I am thankful for...

1. Matthew being a kid. There are many moments in everyday when I find myself on the verge of raising my voice, and there are definitely moments when I do, in fact, raise my voice, but for the most part, I realize that Matthew is just a little boy who is exploring his world. So today, when he dumped an entire pitcher of water on the floor (that Daddy left at home for him to play with), I just smiled as I watched him play in the puddle in the middle of my living room floor. I heard a pastor say once that we have to determine the difference between when our children are acting childish and just being children. This afternoon, I decided Matthew was just being a child. Mommy and Daddy are cleaning the carpets this weekend anyway, so I figure we just got a head start!

2. Our anniversary... tomorrow is our 5 year anniversary! I can't believe it has been 5 whole years already. Our lives have changed a great deal over the past 5 years, but we still make each other laugh and enjoy spending time together. If I had it to do all over again, I would marry Ryan in a second! He is a terrific husband and Matthew just adores him!

3. Last night Matthew and Ryan were folding laundry (Ryan was folding, Matthew was unloading and reloading clothes baskets as quickly as possible) when the doorbell rang. It was our neighbor girl selling volleyball booster cards. Ryan took off for the door and his little shadow followed right behind. What I didn't realize until we got to the door was that Matthew had my underwear in his hand to greet the world!

4. Ceiling fans. I did not have any ceiling fans in the house I grew up in, but Ryan and I have run a ceiling fan in our room every night since we got married. WE LOVE IT! I definitely like it now that I am pregnant and much warmer than usual. I find it very difficult to sleep without one these days. Amazing how you can become so attached to something.

5. All is set for Ella's delivery on November 18th. The plan is for her to make her entrance into the world around 11:30 AM that morning. We are getting very excited and looking forward to meeting this little bundle of joy!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Countdown is on...

Well, the countdown to Ella's arrival can officially begin. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and we set the C-section date for Wednesday, November 18th. This is the week before Thanksgiving, which is not necessarily ideal, however, it will be nice because Ryan will hopefully be able to take some time off work to help me once we get home! I may just have to have Thanksgiving dinner brought to me instead of heading out to all the festivities. Now, I just have to start making plans to get my house decorated for Christmas between now and then. I would like to have my tree up and gifts purchased so that will be one less thing to think about with a new little one... I will be making my list and checking it twice! We continue to be grateful for the progression of this pregnancy. We feel very blessed that soon we will be welcoming a new little life into our midst. Have a great weekend!

Tent Making

One of my favorite things to do when I was a little boy was to make a tent with blankets and couches and anything else I could find. So, the other night, I helped Matthew make his first tent. He thought it was pretty cool, and enjoyed running in and out of it and laughing at Daddy!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thankful Thursdays...

Today, we are thankful for...

1. A good report on ultrasound... it appears that little Miss Ella is growing and developing right on schedule! We are most thankful for this and also are excited to welcome a little girl into our family in a few weeks!

2. Good deals. My sister and I went to the Carter's outlet today and found some really cute clothes for the boys and Ella. It was fun to shop for a little girl.

3. A new baby! Some friends of mine welcomed a new daughter into the world this week! Ellie Lyn was born on Tuesday and joins her 2 older brothers at home! Congratulations to Scott and Deanna and family on your new little bundle!

4. Shipshewana flea market. I trekked through the flea market yesterday with my good friend, Nikki. We had fun and enjoyed some good bargains. Matthew even enjoyed it... well, not really, but he tolerated the excursion pretty well!

5. Lists. I love to make lists and cross things off as I complete them. I am so thankful that Ella's room is painted and has fish on the walls. We are so happy with how it turned out and even Matthew loves to play in there. Hopefully, he will love his little sister just as much!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ready or not, here Ella comes!!!

We had our second ultrasound tonight and Baby Ella will remain Baby Ella! We have a fantastic picture of what is known to the ultrasound world as a "cheeseburger" instead of a "turtle." Ella looked beautiful on ultrasound and is measuring about 1 week ahead of schedule instead of 3 1/2 weeks as estimated by my belly measurement. It looks like we are on track for a November delivery! As I type this, Ryan has retrieved Adelynn's clothes from the storage room and we are looking through some PINK! Good to know all those hairbows will be put to good use! Have a great night!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend Project

We decided we would put our 3-day weekend to good use, and decided to work on the new nursery. The nursery has an under-the-sea theme! We spent most of Friday night and some of Saturday cutting out the fish, and then we spent the rest of the weekend painting them! It really was a fun project, but we are certainly glad that the painting part of the nursery is done. Now, we just have to add the furniture and some shelves. Oh, yeah, and a baby! Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thankful Thursdays...

Today, I am thankful for...

1. A long weekend! We are going to try to get baby Ella's room put together this weekend. Lots of exciting things to paint and put together!

2. I go to the doctor today for my 28 week check. I did my glucose tolerance test on Tuesday, so I will get the results of that and hopefully find out if another ultrasound is needed. I have been feeling good, just very tired in the evenings, but I suppose that is to be expected!

3. Beautiful weather. We are loving the nice weather around here!

4. Matthew's tantrums... yes, our little guy has figured out how to throw a fit! So far, they are few and far between, and although I am thankful they have all happened at home, I am also grateful that our little guy is figuring out how to express himself. He is also figuring out that tantrums are not a good way to get what he wants. This morning he was having a bit of fit getting his diaper changed. I decided to just put him down on the floor and let him have his moment. I started to walk out of the room and before I even got to the hallway he had stopped and was looking at me like, "Well, that didn't work very well did it?" Needless to say, we accomplished the diaper change without anymore tears! Hooray for small victories!

5. Christmas shopping. I have decided to start Christmas shopping. Yesterday, I figured out the budget and made a quick list of some early ideas. I figure I will not be at all in the mood to take part in the hustle and bustle with a newborn this year. I am going to try to have most everything done prior to having baby Ella!

Enjoy the long weekend!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thankful Thursdays...

Today, I am thankful for...

1. Scrapbooking. I have not actually done scrapbooking since I was in college. I made a scrapbook for Ryan that chronicled our dating life up until we were engaged. Then, I went on hiatus. Thankfully, Ryan's cousin, Cara, has done Matthew's entire first year for us as a gift! HUGE BLESSING! Now, I am going to try to keep up with important milestones/events in his life from here on! I am also thinking about getting a book started for baby #2, but I am hesitant since we aren't sure of the sex. I am looking forward to having a creative outlet again!

2. Fall decor. I am going to try to get my house decorated for fall this weekend! I love pumpkins and leaves and my house just happens to be painted in fall colors! I can't wait to get all my little gourds out! :)

3. NAP TIME!!! I did not let Matthew take a morning nap this morning... I am not sure we are ready for that transition yet, but I thought I would try it on a day when I didn't have too much planned. He was quite the little trooper, even as we made a trip to Michaels. Now, he is sleeping and I am hoping he takes a nice long nap!

4. A meeting that went well. I requested a meeting with my bosses earlier this week to discuss some things that were causing increased stress in my life! It could not have gone any better! Best news of all... my office is moving to a beautiful new location! I am meeting with the Plant Ops guy in the morning for a walk-through! I can't wait to have a new office and a separate space to see my patients! YIPPEE!!!

5. An official name for baby #2... as long as baby #2 is a girl! I really wanted to use family names for this baby like we did for Matthew, but as we previously posted, we really could not agree on what to use. So... this is what we have decided. My maternal grandmother's name was Esther... and although I loved her dearly, I really couldn't bring myself to name my child Esther. So, we started looking for names that started with "E." My paternal grandmother's name was Marcella... again, not going to name my child Marcella. Ryan's maternal grandmother's name is Joyce. We had decided that the baby's middle name would be Joy to honor Grandma Kessie, but we could not decide on a first name... then it dawned on me... thanks to my sister's suggestion... Why not name the baby Ella? It starts with "E" and it is the end of Marc"ella." Why didn't I think of that??? We had liked Ella previously when we thought we were having a girl, but had not really even considered it this time around. So, that's how we arrived at our little girl's name. We will name her Ella Joy. Now, if it ends up being a boy we will have to start all over again, but for now we are calling her Ella! Hope you like it!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Little League

Ryan here...

One of my favorite things to do this time of year is to watch the Little League World Series on television. Jamie will even watch the games with me! I ran across this story the other day on ESPN's webpage, and had to share it with everyone.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thankful Thursday on Friday...

Today, I am thankful for...

1. Lots of movement. Baby #2 is quite the little wiggle worm. Ryan was able to feel her move for the first time the other night! She is quite the little swimmer!

2. A name for baby. Ryan and I wanted to use a family name for our little girl, but unfortunately could not agree or did not really like any of our choices. We have come up with a name that incorporates several important family members that we really like. My sister came up with the name and we love it! We will share soon!

3. Meeting with friends. Two of my good friends came over yesterday afternoon to visit! It was so great to see them and catch up on life, not to mention, spending time with their little bundles of joy!

4. Brownies. I made brownies yesterday for my friends' visit. They each had one. I think Ryan has had several, but I polished the rest of them off today when I got home from work! YUM (too bad chocolate gives me terrible heartburn!)!

5. Walking. Matthew is walking. He is still quite wobbly, but today he walked from the kitchen to the living room and yesterday from the living room to his bedroom all by himself! He looks a bit like a baby giraffe testing out its legs, but we are so pround of him anyway!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Name Update

Well, for those of you who participated in the poll about our favorite names, we have some news. Our little baby girl (if in fact it is a girl), will not have any of those names (Adelynn, Miley, Mia, or Annie). Although we like all of them, we have recently come up with a new favorite. We will share soon, once we both agree for more than 24 hours that this will be the name. Boy names seem so much easier for us! We have another doctor's appointment on September 3rd where we will hopefully be deciding whether or not another ultrasound is needed. I have been measuring about 3 weeks ahead of schedule (which I did with Matthew), so the doctor didn't know whether she would order another sneak peak or not... guess we'll have to wait and see. Have a great week!

Matthew's 1st Birthday!

He enjoyed his cake!

Giraffe cake and safari cupcakes! YUM!

The Kessie Family

The Pease Family

4 Generations with new baby Caleb!