Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Thinking of You Thursday...

Today, I am thinking...

1. About all the stuff I need to get done tomorrow. My doctor took me off work this morning, but I convinced her to let me return for one more day. I am going back in the morning to try to get a few loose ends tied up before maternity leave.

2. About all the other moms out there who have been in my shoes before. Trying to rest with a 14 month old around is easier said than done! I am trying to behave!

3. About all the women in my life who have, at one time or another, played a motherly role. I am learning more and more everyday that it does indeed take a village to raise a child. I am so blessed with an incredible mom and wonderful women role models in my life who have spurred me on and encourage me everyday!

4. About all the people I know who are pregnant and expecting little bundles of joy. What an exciting time! I am so blessed to be right there with you!

5. About all the women I know who have loved and lost or who may never have children of their own. Each of you has an amazing gift to share with the world and I am so blessed to know you and share my life with you! Thank you for the important role you have played in my life!