Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thankful Thursdays

Today, I am thankful for...

1. Time with family. Yesterday, Ryan and I were able to spend some time with some of my family from Michigan and London. It was so nice to just have time to visit with some of the people who we don't get to see very often! An added bonus: they brought strawberry shortcake for dessert!!! YUM!

2. Rest. I am having some difficulty sleeping these days, so I am thankful for any time when I can get a little extra sleep. I am sure I don't even know the meaning of tired yet!

3. Walks around the block. It is getting a little more difficult for me to make it a mile around the block, but I am so grateful that I am able to be up and moving around. I have several friends who have been on bedrest at this point in their pregnancy!

4. Our nephew, Jacob. I got to help babysit him yesterday for a few hours. He is just so darn cute! He hates the sweeper right now, so while my mom was vacuuming he was pretty much ripping my shirt off to try to get up on my lap!! He helps me realize just how busy having a little guy around is going to be!

5. Little things, like when Ryan takes the trash out for me or starts a load of laundry. When there is a new roll of toilet paper on and I was the one who made it run out. When the dishes miraculously find their way into the dishwasher! Thanks, honey, for helping me out around the house!