Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Doctor Update

I went to the doctor today for my 30 week check-up. My blood pressure was great which was a relief for me because at my last appointment it was a little elevated. I have been checking it at home and it has been good, so I was glad the reading at the doctor's today was normal. There was a bit of drama today. I saw the nurse practitioner because my doctor isn't there on Wednesdays and she told me that I was measuring about 33-34 weeks instead 30 weeks. She looked back through my chart and it seems I have been measuring 3-4 weeks ahead of schedule the entire pregnancy. I remember the doctor asking me early on if I was sure about my dates because I was measuring big, but didn't really think too much of it! We are definitely sure of the dates. She told me that the doctor would probably order another ultrasound at my next appointment to just check on the little guy. At my 20 week ultrasound the baby was within 3-4 days of the actual due date, so I am hoping that will be the case this time. The other bit of news from the doctor today was that Matthew is still breech. She said he has about 4 more weeks where he could turn and after that it would be pretty hard for him to turn around. I am looking forward to that happening considering he is all over the place already. She told me I could try standing on my head, but I am not sure all the blood rushing to my head is such a good idea at this point. I figure I will see if he is still breech at my next appointment and then maybe try standing on my head. We will NOT be posting pictures of this! Otherwise, business as usual around here. Getting ready for 2 parties this weekend, one at our house for Adam and Rachel, and a baby shower for me with Ryan's family! I am sure we will have pictures after our busy weekend!