Monday, June 9, 2008

Body by DQ and Body by Matthew

Well, after much delay and many requests for a belly shot, here you go! This is my 29 week belly!

Oh wait, did you mean a picture of Jamie? Here's the blooming mommy-to-be!


Anonymous said...

I love it! Thanks for the belly pictures...finally!!!!:) It was so good to see you both yesterday!

Deanna said...

YEA! Thanks for the pictures! Girl.... you're a beautiful, glowing pregnant woman!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Keep up the hard work!! DQ is great, but not for the summer outfits!! You'll be running after a baby in no time...NO WORRIES!

THANKS FOR THE BELLY PICTURE!! You are so beautiful! I am so happy for you both. Thank you for letting me apart of this special time.