Wednesday, April 2, 2008

You say tomato, I say tomoto

Well, with all the big news about the gender of Flurry this week, I almost forgot to do the size report. At 19 weeks, Flurry is about the size of a large heirloom tomato. I'll have to ask Grandpa what an heirloom tomato is, exactly. SHE weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and is about 6 inches long. HER brain is developing very rapidly at this point, and SHE can hear us talk to her. They say that Flurry will get a preference for the voices she hears the most, most of all being Jamie's. So already, she's a mama's girl!!! It was so great to see the ultrasound pictures on Monday, and to be able to watch our little girl moving around so well. At one point, she showed off both of her little feet to the camera. Seeing all of that made it a little more real for me on Monday. Not that it wasn't real before, but seeing that little baby inside of her mother puts a new perspective on things. After reading this week on how much more expensive it is to raise a girl than a boy, I've checked into part-time jobs around the area. Just kidding!!! It will be a lot of fun in the next few months as we get ready for a little one. Take care, all. Thanks for all the prayers!!!