Monday, April 21, 2008

Practicing To Be the Toothfairy

Well, this week Flurry is about the length of a spaghetti squash. For those of you who do not know what a spaghetti squash is (like me), I have included a picture. She is about 11 inches long, and is starting to look like a human now. Thank goodness. Flurry weighs almost 1 pound now, and is kicking and moving like crazy. Jamie has been telling me all about her movements and her water ballet classes. Her lips are forming and little tooth buds are starting to form, although her teeth won't start coming in until she's 4 to 7 months old. Maybe it's just a father thing, but I'm already dreading the dentist bill! Another worry of mine is how to get Flurry's first lost tooth out from under the pillow without waking her. Maybe I'll practice on Jamie tonight. In my thorough research on baby development (Ha! Ha!), I've learned that it is possible for some babies to be born with teeth!!! I'm sure that would make breastfeeding a little more difficult. On that note, I had better sign off. Take care!