Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Warning for those of you with weak stomachs. Turn away from the computer right now!

I have just experienced something that I never quite knew was possible. Something that I can now prevent. I just wish somebody would have warned me before now. I have heard of projectile vomit and projectile puke but no one has ever told me about projectile poop! Seriously...that was probably the grossest, yet coolest thing I have ever experienced!!! Unfortunately, Matthew dirtied several burp rags, his changing table cloths, a basket, his clothes, and several diapers, but Daddy was quite proud and amazed at the whole situation as evidenced by the "Jamie, you just missed it!" yell across the house. I now know to always cover every orifice at all times when changing diapers. And to you all that have never experienced this phenomenon...YOU'VE ALL BEEN WARNED!!!