Sunday, August 10, 2008

CH_ _CH... what's missing? ME

Most of you have probably seen this little riddle. Of course, the answer is UR, but today it's me who isn't at church. I debated on whether or not to go, but I am trying to be a good girl and follow the doctor's directions! I had my own little church service at home.

Yesterday was a pretty uneventful day around here. Ryan's mom and sister brought us lunch and my mom made us supper, so Ryan hasn't had to cook too much! I spent a few hours at my mom and dad's house for a change of scenery and some friends came over last night to keep me company for a couple hours. My blood pressure was 104/78 when I checked it yesterday morning, so laying low definitely has its perks! Hope all is well in your corners of the world! Better get back to the couch before Ryan gets home!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Pepplers! I am excited to hear about your induction because I cannot wait to meet Matthew, however, I wish you did not have to worry about bed rest and your blood pressure..that is definitely no fun! I am sure the Lord understands why you weren't at church this morning..He wants you to take care of yourself! :) Keep us posted! Just think, within a week, you'll be parents! :) You guys will be awesome!

Anonymous said...

Oh, poop, I forgot to put my name...

It's from me, Sara Knafel! :)
