Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Chapman Family

Steven Curtis Chapman and his family were interviewed on Good Morning America this morning following the accident that took the life of their youngest daughter Maria. Here is the clip that had tears streaming down my face the entire time. I just about couldn't breathe when Steven said that as he and his wife were pulling out of the driveway to go to the hospital, he rolled down his window and shouted to his son, "Will Franklin, your father loves you!" What faith and love amid enormous grief!



Anonymous said...

Wow- Powerful stuff Ryan. It speaks to the power of faith and knowing we serve an awsome God, even in tragedy. It also speaks to the power of parenting...those Chapman kids have some great parents. What a legacy! I know you and Jamie will also raise Matthew and his (eventual) siblings with the same love and conviction. Hurry up Matthew...we're anxious to see you!