Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today, I am thankful for...

1. Air conditioning!!!!

2. My mom and sister. I have been getting ready to host a wedding shower the day after we get home from camp, and they have been so much help! My mom is helping me make most of the food and my sister is helping me get my house in order. Have I mentioned that I love some of the perks that come along with pregnancy? I figure I might as well accept the help while it's being offered! Thanks to both of you!

3. My washing machine. Even though it has run over twice in the last month, I am thankful that we have a place in our home to do laundry. The two times it ran over were our fault, so we can hardly blame the machine! I love coming into our house and smelling fresh, clean laundry.

4. My co-workers. A couple weeks ago they threw a baby shower for me, and yesterday, I received a phone call that there were more gifts waiting to be picked up from some of the girls who couldn't make it to the shower! I really do work with a great bunch of people and am grateful for their kindness to me during this pregnancy.

5. Grace. This is the topic of the CAC devotions for this year. I am so thankful that each day I can start anew because my God is bigger than me and loves me in spite of me!

This may be our last post before we leave for camp. I will probably be taking next week off from blogging. No news is good news as far as blogging goes! Please pray for us as we travel to camp and spend a week with some amazing kids! We look forward to sharing some camp stories with you when we return!