Saturday, February 26, 2011

Deja Vu

Thursday night I was struggling to get Ella's PJs on after bathtime when it struck me. On that very day, Ella was exactly the same age Matthew was on the day she was born. Hello flashback!! I shared this with Ryan and we both kind of laughed and breathed a bit of relief that we weren't adding another baby to the mix at this stage. While we both would agree that Ella benefited from having an older brother to teach her the tricks of the trade eariler, we both LOVE having our kids this close together. We struggle everyday with sharing, juggling our time between them, choosing our battles; but we love that they are already good friends. They are concerned about each other. They laugh at each other and play well together. We love that they already conspire against us and go in opposite directions when we are trying to accomplish anything. We hope they grow up to be best friends.