Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Turnip the Volume!!!

Well, here we are in week 17. Jamie thought she was starting to feel better this weekend, but lo and behold, Monday came, and so did her sickness. I have to say, though, that she is doing so well with it. I've never heard somebody say, "I just puked!" and still have a smile on her face!!! What a trooper.
As far as Flurry is concerned, he/she weighs about 5 ounces (about the size of a turnip). Flurry is also about 5 inches long. Only 6 or 7 feet more til we have an NBA player on our hands!!! Dad can dream, can't I?! Flurry's cartilage is hardening more and more. Little known fact here: A newborn's skeleton has 300 parts (bones and cartilage). As the child grows, some parts harden and fuse together. As an adult, Flurry will have just 206 bones!!! And hopefully we'll avoid any broken ones.