Tuesday, February 26, 2008

If life gives you lemons, why not make lemonade?

Flurry is now the size of a lemon!!! He/she is now able to squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his/her thumb!!! And from the frequent trips to the bathroom that Flurry's mother is making, I can only assume that Flurry is peeing a lot!!! I think Flurry was upset at us last night. Probably not the last time he/she will be upset with us!!! Anyway, Jamie wanted some nachos, and instead of going to Taco Bell, I decided I would make them. Well, apparently, nachos are not Flurry's favorite meal, judging from the 2 a.m. trip to the bathroom. Soon, we'll be off to another doctor's appointment. Wish us well!