Friday, May 15, 2009

I Don't Like the Grass!!!

"It's prickly!"

"Are you enjoying this?"

"It tickles!"

Here are some recent pictures of Matthew in the backyard. If you can't tell by his face, he is not a big fan of the grass! We put him down in it every chance we get, but he just seems to get more annoyed each time!


Anonymous said...

Too funny! I can't wait to see you guys this weekend. Uncle Adam and Aunt Rachel are having "Matthew withdrawal" Tell your mommy and daddy if they are in need of a break, we will be willing to watch you! Love you guys and can't wait to see you soon!!

-Rachel and Adam

Anonymous said...

Jame the last time I seen you, you reminded me of your blog...I had some time this evening and now I am laughing my butt off at these pictures!! He is soo cute!!

--Kate D.