Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thankful Thursdays...

Today, I am thankful for...

1. A nice long weekend! I love having extra time off work to spend at home! It always seems to go by way to fast, but I am looking forward to spending time celebrating and relaxing this weekend!

2. A little road trip. We are headed to Cinncinnati tomorrow to visit Uncle Adam and Aunt Rachel! We are even going to try to visit the Children's Zoo and see the elephants (Fort Wayne's zoo doesn't have any). We are looking forward to seeing them and spending time with Ryan's family!

3. New teeth! I took Matthew back to the doctor yesterday for an ear re-check (all is well), and they told me he has 3 new teeth coming in!!! He has had a runny nose for the last couple days and has been a bit cranky. I suppose if I had an eye tooth and two molars all trying to make an appearance at the same time, I would be whiny, too!

4. A jogging stroller. My sister and Jared had a jogging stroller that Jacob couldn't use anymore and Caleb is too small for so they let us borrow it for Matthew. He loves taking walks with it... he even fell asleep on my walk yesterday (that hasn't happened since he was tiny!).

5. Quick and easy recipes. Matthew has started eating almost all real food lately. I love being able to make quick meals that all of us can enjoy together! Any good recipes out there, I would love to try them!