Friday, July 24, 2009

Thankful Thursdays

Today, I am thankful for...

1. Ryan coming home tomorrow!!! Matthew and I are going to get him in the morning and we are so excited to have him back home! It has been a good week, but Mommy is very tired!

2. A visit to camp. Matthew and I went to CAC on Wednesday for a visit. It was almost a surreal experience for me as I watched the campers and staff interact. I wanted to want to be there so badly, and I found myself enjoying my time there but not really having a great desire to participate in camp. This was somewhat of a relief for me as I thought I would be totally bummed when I had to leave to come back home. I guess Matthew has changed me. I was much more interested in what he was doing while we were there than I was in being a part of the camp experience.

3. Our garden. I picked 6 cucumbers and 3 huge broccoli stalks yesterday. It is so great to walk out the backdoor and be able to have fresh produce.

4. An independent child. Recently, Matthew has started wanting to feed himself. He is quite the little stinker as he thinks he can manage the spoon all by himself. Makes for lots of great messes!!

5. Rest. After we get home from camp tomorrow, we don't have any major plans for the weekend!! Hooray for naps!