Caleb, Jacob, Ella & Matthew on Easter!
Well, I must say my blogging skills have definitely fallen by the wayside. I cannot seem to get down here to post anything in a timely fashion... Here's the latest: Matthew is 20 months old. He currently has croup, but a mild case and he is on the mend. He LOVES to play outside with the neighbor kids. He is in love with his little sister and is very protective over her. When I take them to the Y to the childwatch program, when I return the first word out of his mouth is "Ellya!!" He is so afraid I am going to forget her! Uncle Kyle is the only person he will talk to on the phone. He is very curious about other kids. The other day at the park he was going up the stairs when 2 little girls about his age came up to him and they all just stared at each other. One of the little girls put her arm around him and patted his back (future mommy). I couldn't get the camera out of the bag fast enough!
Ella will be 5 months old on Sunday! Her favorite hairstyle is pig tails as long as Mommy can get them done on the first try. She slept through the night last night, although I wouldn't say that is the norm around here. She is still often waking up once per night and thinks she needs to practice her vocabulary (which consists of squeals and jabbering). Daddy does not hear any of it, but Mommy gets to enjoy late night discussions with Ella. She has been able to avoid the croup up to this point. She LOVES to swing and play outside as well. She is eating cereal like a champ most of the time and is almost sitting up. She is working on her 3rd tooth and will be ready for some real food soon! She hates her tummy and rolls over almost instantly anytime someone dare put her on the floor! She also thinks her big toes taste good. I had her in a dress on Sunday and whenever I put her down she would throw her legs up in the air and put her feet in her mouth!
We are enjoying the spring weather! We took Matthew to the indoor water park in Shipshewana a couple weeks ago with Jacob & Caleb and they had a blast! Daddy even got to go down the big slide while we were there! Looking forward to having lots more fun in the water this summer! Well, that hopefully gets you pretty up-to-date with our little family. I will try to do better! Have a great day!
LOVE the jammies picture! They ae so darling!! -Rhonda
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