Sunday, August 14, 2011

Where has the time gone?

Our little boy turned 3 this week! We had a pirate-themed party and Matthew received beautiful gifts from our family. Thank you to all who made his birthday special for him!

Three years ago today we brought our baby home from the hospital. He was so little and cried most of the first night. I remember wondering if life would ever be the same. The easy answer was NO!! Life is so much better than it was 3 years ago!!! I have 2 beautiful babies who I adore, and while we struggle with all the regular toddler craziness (x2) everyday; I am so thankful for this journey.
Our neighbor girl who babysits for us was over tonight. She was showing me her new clothes for the start of high school and I just kind of paused and thought about how in the blink of an eye we are going to be shipping these kids off to high school and wonder where the time went. It was in that moment that I thanked God for the simple struggles we face everyday: sharing (or lack thereof), eating (err, dropping food on the floor), and bedtime (the nightly ritual of Ella trying everything she can think of to get out of going to bed and Matthew coming downstairs about 20 minutes after we put him to bed to tell us he wants something to eat). I know our struggles will get more complex as the years pass, but today it made me thankful for where we are on the journey right now.

Ryan's family

Jamie's family


Can't imagine loving 3 faces anymore!

I am blessed!