Friday, January 28, 2011

A Month of Saving Day 20

I am married to a Mr. Fix-it! When it comes to saving money, he comes in very handy! Today, our money saving tip is to try and fix things on your own. A few weeks ago our garbage disposal broke (I think one of the pebbles from the fish tank went down the drain - oops!). I used to just call the repair man without giving it a second thought. However, in the spirit of saving money, Ryan said, "I think I can handle it." So, Ryan and Matthew purchased, uninstalled the broken one, and reinstalled a new one in less than an hour. We have adopted a new way of doing things around here... try to fix it ourselves or at least research what is involved in fixing it before we hire it done. If you don't happen to be married to a Mr. Fix-it, try it yourself or find a friend who is. I have found being able to do research on the internet about how to fix something makes many jobs we used to pay for much more doable. It's amazing the money we can save by doing regular maintenance and repairs on our own. Matthew even enjoys jumping in the fixing fun!