It has been awhile since our last post... I must admit I have been a bit busy and slightly overwhelmed. The transition from one baby to two has been easy at times and absolutely exasperating the very next minute. I have learned a few things in the 3 short weeks that I have been caring for 2 small children:
1. Both children need/deserve my full attention every waking minute (even if those waking minutes are in the middle of the night). I have had to accept the fact that the dishes just might not get done or someone might come to the door right after Matthew dumps all his blocks on the floor for the 5th time.
2. Trends do not necessarily make habits. Ella only got up 2 times every night for the first 2 weeks of her life. Since that time, she has been up multiple times every night, sometimes for hours at a time. Last night was our longest night to date as I was awake from 11:18 PM until sometime after 4 AM.
3. This adjustment has probably been the hardest for Matthew. Sometimes I just scoop him up in my arms and hold him because I know he doesn't quite understand where he took a wrong turn and ended up with a little sister. He is typically very sweet with her, but I know he is probably pondering, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" He is just not able to articulate that to us.
4. Getting ready to go somewhere is much more difficult than it was with one child. I am looking forward to the day when Matthew understands the meaning of "hold my hand" and "you have to wait right here." Currently it is just easier to stay home although I know it is so good for all of us to get out of the house.
5. Phone calls and visits are so important. After spending most of my day reading books, cleaning fruit snacks out of the carpet, and building with Mr. Potato Head, adult interaction is critical to my sanity. I am so thankful for the strong support system I have around me, and that Ryan is able to help shoulder some of the load when he gets home from work.
6. Finally, I have learned that just when you think you have offered your last hug or given your last smile, your child can do something so sweet that your heart melts and somehow you have the ability to go on. Yes, my patience has been tested. Yes, I have felt like I might just not survive until 4 o'clock when Daddy gets home. Yes, there are moments when I feel like I am hanging on by a thread (a very frayed thread). BUT... I wouldn't change where I am in life right now for anything. I feel so blessed that God has chosen me to be Matthew and Ella's Mommy. I know there will be more moments of craziness, but for right now, I am just going to soak up this moment and love my babies the best I can. Hugs!
Jamie, this brought tears to my eyes!! Motherhood is so overwhelmingly wonderful, but so heartbreaking at the same time (if that makes sense). I've been praying for you and your new family of 4 often. I hope when we're in Indiana over Christmas we can get together, if you're still up for visitors!! :)
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