Monday, October 26, 2009

Three Things

Three things happened today to us that we had to share.

1. At church yesterday, we let Matthew down after the service, and he proceeded to make his way into the main aisle, and begin dancing (Hot dog dance style) right in the middle of the aisle to the beat of the praise band's music!

2. The second funny thing to happen occurred on the way home from church. We were driving through town, and Jamie got a nice kick from Ella. She said "Ella!", and Matthew proceeded to raise his arm and make the sound for an elephant!!! The little stinker is always paying attention!

3. Finally, we bought Matthew a little tent at Kohl's on Saturday. It was the best money we've ever spent. The tent has a tube attached to it that he can crawl through. Here are a couple of pictures of him playing in the tent.

Before Matthew's nap yesterday, we were picking up toys, and we took his tent back to his room to get it out of the way. When we came back into the family room, we were met with our little guy dragging the tent back into the family room! I guess we weren't supposed to put that one away!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see Matthew's holding his own around there!! Thanks for the pics!! Miss you!! :>)