Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Official Toddlerdom!

Well, I feel like we can officially say we have entered the world of Toddlerdom! I thought the infant stage lasted 1 full year! HA!!!! Our little guy is more determined than ever to get into anything and everything. This morning he was trying to climb up his karaoke machine to get to my drink on the side table. This was after he crawled behind a chair and found the one outlet in the entire house without a cover on it (for everyone who is worried, Mommy got there before he touched it and yes, it is covered now). He also crawled between another chair and side table and got his head caught when he was trying to stand up! I am quite amused by him and his little discoveries! Needless to say, I am also worn out by him! Oh, he has also started dancing! It's hysterical! Maybe we can get it on video soon.


Miranda said...

He is adorable - and I can't believe how big he is!!! What a sweet little man...I'm sure baby #2 will be just as much of a blessing!