Friday, May 29, 2009

Thankful... Thursday?

Today, I am thankful for...

1. A growing garden. We just planted it last weekend and it is already starting to sprout! We even have 2 salsa peppers that we can see! Hooray!

2. A great boss! She is just my style! I love it that we are on the same page!

3. Swimming pools. Jacob got a swimming pool for this summer and the other night Matthew took his first swim! He's a fish! I am so glad he likes the water!

4. Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. Yes, I know this is aging me, but usually Matthew goes to bed during these two shows, so we end up sitting through them while we unwind a bit. I love it that I beat Ryan last night at Jeopardy... that rarely happens! I have resolved to not watch anymore since I won last night!

5. School's out. I am not so sure why this excites me, but I love the sound of kids outside during the day and I remember all the fun I had when summer vacation started when I was a kid! I wish nurses had summers off!

Enjoy the weather this weekend!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Official Toddlerdom!

Well, I feel like we can officially say we have entered the world of Toddlerdom! I thought the infant stage lasted 1 full year! HA!!!! Our little guy is more determined than ever to get into anything and everything. This morning he was trying to climb up his karaoke machine to get to my drink on the side table. This was after he crawled behind a chair and found the one outlet in the entire house without a cover on it (for everyone who is worried, Mommy got there before he touched it and yes, it is covered now). He also crawled between another chair and side table and got his head caught when he was trying to stand up! I am quite amused by him and his little discoveries! Needless to say, I am also worn out by him! Oh, he has also started dancing! It's hysterical! Maybe we can get it on video soon.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thankful Thursdays...

I thought it was Friday and I was trying to come up with a reason for being tardy again, but then I realized it is only Thursday! Today, I am thankful for...

1. Matthew's good report at the doctor yesterday! He went for his 9 month check-up and he is in the 75th percentile for everything! The doctor said he was right on track for his growth and development. He weighs 22 lbs 3 oz (feels like about 40!), 29 inches long, and his head is bigger than last time (forget the exact measurement). Anyway, we are thankful for our healthy little boy!

2. Caleb's safe arrival. We are so thankful to welcome this new little guy into our family! What a blessing!

3. Our garden is tilled and we are going to plant tonight after Matthew goes to bed! HOORAY! Thanks to Mike for coming and giving us a hand!

4. Peace and quiet. SHHHHHH! Matthew is napping!

5. A long weekend. Ryan and I both have Monday off work, so we are looking forward to spending time as a family!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Caleb Byrom English

We have a new nephew! Caleb arrived this morning at 10:39 AM. He was 8 lbs and 20 inches long! He is sure cute! Mom and baby are doing well! Pictures to follow later!

Friday, May 15, 2009

I Don't Like the Grass!!!

"It's prickly!"

"Are you enjoying this?"

"It tickles!"

Here are some recent pictures of Matthew in the backyard. If you can't tell by his face, he is not a big fan of the grass! We put him down in it every chance we get, but he just seems to get more annoyed each time!

Doctor Update!

Well, I had my second doctor's appointment yesterday and all is well. I didn't gain any weight since my last appointment and baby's heart rate is 140-150 bpm. We are planning to have a repeat C-section this time around. My doctor offered the option of a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean), however, it does come with some increased risk and there is no guarantee I wouldn't end up having a C-section again anyway.

In other news, my sister is going to have a baby any day (well, maybe)! She is not due until the 24th, but we all thought she would deliver by now. Unfortunately, Baby Boy (he doesn't have a name yet), isn't ready to make an appearance just yet! Hopefully sometime next week! She told her doctor that she had her toenails painted and was not going to be able to do that again, so she hoped he hurried up!

Our weekend looks pretty full at this point. Ryan's best friend from high school is coming home and they are playing 18 holes of golf in the morning. I have to work tomorrow from 6-10. We are hopeful we can get our garden tilled sometime... a guy Ryan used to work with said he might come and give us a hand if the weather permits. Sunday, we both have obligations at church, and then we are off to Decatur for my cousin, Mallorie's, graduation party! Congratulations Mal! It should be a fun weekend! Hope you enjoy it!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thankful Thursdays...

Today, we are thankful for...

1. Our crazy little monkey named Matthew. He is into EVERYTHING! It is fairly comical to us that just a couple weeks ago we were wishing he would crawl, and now we are learning very quickly what is NOT baby proof in this house! He's a little explorer and ornery to boot! We just sit back and wonder what he might discover next (looks like it might be the cord that attaches the camera to the computer!).

2. All the toys at our house! Did you know how entertaining a real telephone can be to a 9-month old? Matthew and I play with ours at least once a day! We are discovering that he would rather play with all the things that are not toys!

3. Energy. Some of my energy has found its way back to me over the last week or so. I actually cleaned the kitchen and dining room yesterday! I am sure Ryan is looking forward to some help from me in the weeks ahead.

4. Flowers. My parents picked up our geraniums for us this week at the local Amish farm. Now, if we can just get our garden planted.

5. Matthew's singing. During church on Sunday, he was screaming during the hymns. I thought the older gentleman down the aisle was going to bust a gut laughing at him. We just figure he is auditioning early for the choir! Needless to say, he quickly found himself in the nursery when Mommy and Daddy couldn't get his enthusiasm quieted!

By the way, I was wrong about the camera cord. He ate a piece of paper instead!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thankful Thursdays...

Today, I am thankful for...

1. Sausage Egg McMuffins. These have always been Ryan's favorite, but lately I have definitely had my fair share of them.

2. Nap time. Matthew has been taking great naps for me lately. The same has not been true for Grandma when she has him, but I am thankful that he sleeps well for me!

3. Moms. Since Sunday is Mother's Day, I just wanted to mention how thankful I am for my own Mom as well as all the other women in my life who have made a difference! Have a great weekend!

4. CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). We joined this year and got our first week's supply on Tuesday. It is exciting to try new and different things!

5. Great song lyrics. Have you ever heard a song and it fit a situation perfectly? I love it when that happens!

Have a great weekend!

Please pray...

Please pray for our friends who are going through a very difficult time right now. We will not share details out of respect for their privacy, but please lift up this family who is hurting deeply. Thank you.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Some photos...

The boys with Mama and Papa on Easter morning! What a good looking crew!

Matthew after Mommy and Daddy made him some baby food. I think we will stick with store bought version!

I have always wanted my kids to take piano lessons. My grandma was an incredible pianist and I always wished I would have taken lessons more seriously. I guess Mama is going to make sure they get an early start!