Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thankful Thursdays

Today, I am thankful for...

1. Tillers. Not Joe Tiller, for those Purdue fans out there. Garden tillers! I can't wait to start the garden soon, and not have to throw out my back scraping the sod off.

2. Good weather is coming soon!!! I can't wait to go on walks, work in the yard . . . PLAY GOLF!!!

3. A happy child. Matthew is still very happy most of the time, and it is so much fun to make him laugh. He's such a little stinker!

4. Garage sales. Jamie is getting stuff around to have a garage sale at our house on April 16 & 17. Did you hear that, Grandma and Aunt Nancy. APRIL 16 & 17 - GARAGE SALE AT OUR HOUSE!!

5. New life. So many friends and family of ours are expecting or have just had babies. It is so much fun to see all the new life around us!

Have a great weekend!