Sunday, February 22, 2009

Busy, Busy Beavers!

We have had quite a day! This morning, our phone rang at 7:24 asking Ryan if he could come and do the video for church this morning. We were planning on sleeping in and going to Sunday School and 2nd service to usher, but Ryan went ahead and went early to help out. Matthew and I arrived in time for Sunday School which we spent in the Crib Room. Ryan left there at 10:45 to go down and start ushering and I was to wait for our replacement to show up. He did not come, so I stayed in the Crib Room during 2nd service while Ryan ushered. We came home from church and decided we wanted to hang shelves on the empty walls in the family room. We took Matthew out to Grandpa and Grandma's and headed to Fort Wayne. Three stores later, we were on our way home to hang the shelves. We stopped and got Matthew and then Ryan spent the rest of the afternoon hanging them (9 in all!!!!). They look great, especially now that I have been able to trinketize (yes, I made that word up) them! Maybe we can snap some pics later this week! Hope everyone has a great week!