This week, I am thankful for...
1. A wife that surprises me every day. I got home last night and was getting ready to go blow out the driveway filled with several inches of fresh snow, and she said she wanted to do it. I think she had a little cabin fever from being in the house all day with Matthew!
2. The CC Deli. When I don't have enough time to get breakfast in the morning, I can always count on walking down the street and having a fresh muffin, brownie, cookie, doughnut, etc. If you live close, you should try them, they're grrrrrrrrrreat. (Read that like Tony the Tiger)
3. Matthew being entertained by the little things! I'm sure every parent has a story about getting their child the greatest toy, only to have them be mesmerized by the box that the toy came in! This is ours...We bought Matthew his Exersaucer before he was born, thinking that all these toys would be any child's favorite thing to play with. The funny thing is that the parts he goes for the most are the tags on the toys!!!
4. Four-wheel drive and a snowblower. We have needed them quite a bit this winter, and are glad to have them.
5. A happy baby. I just wanted an excuse to show this picture!
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