Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Doctor Update

Matthew had his 4 month check-up today. He is a healthy little baby. One thing we learned that I am sure none of you will guess: Matthew has dropped from the 90th percentile in weight to the 50th! I am pretty sure he must hold all his weight in his cheeks... (the facial version). Unfortunately his mother was not so lucky! The doctor said he looked great and is meeting all of his developmental milestones as scheduled. We continue to feel so blessed to have Matthew as our son and look forward to the new tricks he does everyday!


Anonymous said...

Do you think he's gotten smaller from all the rolling he's been doing? If so, I think we should all add that to our exercise routines!

Can't wait to see you guys next week for Christmas. I am excited to see all of Matthew's new tricks since Thanksgiving. I hope he likes what Uncle Adam and Aunt Rachel got him for Christmas!! :)