Friday, September 26, 2008

A Day Late & A Dollar Short

Sorry, one day late!

I'm thankful for...

1. My wife. Yesterday was our 4th anniversary. I love her more and more every day.

2. Being able to be home with Matthew in the evening. I love to spend time with the little guy every chance I get.

3. Strollers. I think we're gonna run the wheels right off the one we have. We've mentioned our walks before, I think!

4. A riding lawn mower. We were push mowing until a couple weeks ago. It cuts down on our mow time by almost half. Which gives me more time to do the things I enjoy. (See # 2 above)

5. Our church family. We have been blessed by having such nice friends and family at our church. Through low times and high, they have always been there.


Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Anniversary! :)
Sara Knafel