Friday, June 13, 2008

Squashing the Shades

Well, for some reason I did not get my weekly email from the baby center place, so I'll just have to make up the growth report this week. Matthew is about 2 1/2 pounds (think of a butternut squash) and is about 15 inches long from head to toe. His head is growing very rapidly right now to make room for his developing brain. That's good news considering all the books he's accumulating. Jamie and I have both taken our turn reading to him already. His skeleton is also developing very quickly, which calls for Jamie to chug the milk and get a lot of vitamin C, iron and folic acid. Only about 11 more weeks to go. The nursery is almost completely done. Jamie "helped" me put up the window shades this week. Didn't go so well. Matthew just about heard his Daddy say a bad word for the first time. Good news is that they are up and they work. Can't wait to see what's next to assemble!