Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Safety First

Here is Ryan's latest creation! He made a gun cabinet for our brother-in-law, so that he has a safe place to store his firearms since their little boy is starting to get into EVERYTHING! This is his most difficult project to date, and I must say it turned out beautifully! Jared was really surprised tonight when he came to our house to see it for the first time! Hopefully, our cars will find their way back into the garage sometime later this week!


Anonymous said...

I'm highly impressed!! Way to go Ryan!! Can you make me a house?
Your son will learn so much from you!!


Anonymous said...

I must admit, that's the best gun cabinet I've ever seen!! Thank you so much and you did an awesome job on it Ryan!!


Anonymous said...

The gun cabinet is perfect! I really appreciate all of your hard work and time. This will help keep our little ones and your little ones safe. It means a lot to Jared and I that you made this beautiful piece of furniture for our family. Jacob is already very interested in the knobs, if you can imagine. Thanks Again!
