Wednesday, March 26, 2008

5 days to go!

In only 5 days we will know the gender of our little baby. I know this is not nearly as exciting for all of you as it is for us, but we cannot wait! My appointment is not till 3:30 on Monday, so we will not be posting until later that night! It looks like more people think the baby is a girl... Ryan and I really don't have a strong feeling either way. We have both had dreams that it is a girl, but we haven't done this before so we're waiting for the experts to tell us.

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for the sickness to go away. I am still getting sick, but it is sooooo much better than it was. I am almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight and having more good days than bad at this point.

I finished my clinical hours this week. I am done with clinical now until May, then I only have 150 hours to complete this summer and I am FINISHED! It is so nice to have some time to get my house in order and catch up on some sleep! Now I am not sure what my excuse will be for not having the laundry folded! Hope everything is going well in your corner of the world. Have a great Wednesday!