Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Week 7 update

Well, this week our baby has a tail and is the size of a blueberry. Flurry is growing hands and feet this week which look more like paddies than acutal fingers and toes. Ryan thinks it's hysterical that Flurry has a tail! He pointed at me and laughed last night and said, "Ha, Ha! The baby looks like a blueberry and has a tail!" I am really looking forward to having two children in the house once Flurry arrives!

I think I have kind of gotten a handle on the morning sickness. I figured out that for me it is important to eat less food more often! As you read in Ryan's post, I bought lots of snack foods last night at the grocery (granola bars, vanilla wafers, yogurt smoothies). Hopefully these will help curb my hunger and visits to the bathroom.

I go to the doctor a week from today. Thanks to everyone who is praying for Flurry and mommy during this exciting time!


Anonymous said...

Im so excited to here that Flurry has a tail. Uncle buddy is extremely excited to hear that he wont be the only one in the family with a tail. Congratulations and we are praying for all of you.

-The rest of the Pepplers
(Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Kyle, and Uncle Buddy)

Anonymous said...

Gosh...this whole tail thing is going to be a problem...I don't know where you plan to clothes shop for the baby, but the last time I checked...no place that I know of sells baby clothes with a small hole in the tush, for a tail to pop through!!! Ha Ha!! Glad to hear that everyone is doing well!!! Take Care
Kate Dennison