Well, after sitting in the waiting room for 1 hour and 15 minutes, we did finally get to hear the heartbeat! Ryan was on the edge of his seat. Flurry has a fast little ticker! The doctor told us that she wasn't sure if we would hear it or not since I am only 10 weeks, but Flurry cooperated! We are so proud of our little baby!
Nothing else too exciting happened other than Ryan asking what all the different pieces of equipment were for. After explaining the speculum he didn't ask anymore questions!
Ryan has a doctor's appointment tonight, if they find a heartbeat in his belly he is going to have some explaining to do!
Have a great evening!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Doctor Update
Posted by The Peppler Family at 3:52 PM 1 comments
Ryan Checking In!!!
This is Ryan checking in. I decided to get weekly emails to see how our baby is doing each week. I'm already getting some very interesting information. For instance, my uterus is growing at an incredible rate. I was very excited to know that . . . until Jamie told me that I didn't have a uterus.
Now, under the category of "useful news", I did get to hear Flurry this afternoon!!! The heartbeat sounded great, and that sound was an answer to my prayers. Please keep praying for our baby!!!
Flurry is now the size of a kumquat!!! I decided to put a picture of a kumquat on here because if you are like me, you don't know what a kumquat is!!! Flurry has also lost the webbed feet that he/she was accustomed to and is growing tiny little finger nails and peach-fuzz hair!!! Also, you can see Flurry's spine now . . . because Flurry has translucent skin!!! That sounds so cool. It's like he/she is some sort of superhero fetus!!! SUPER-EMBRYO!!! Also because of Flurry's developing brain, Flurry's forehead is half the length of his/her body. Flurry is already very smart. Daddy's so proud!!! That's all I can tell you. Can't wait to give you more useless information next week!!!
Posted by The Peppler Family at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Emotional Roller Coaster
So, I didn't think I had been too emotional or moody so far until the other day. I was driving to Fort Wayne to school and was surfing through the radio stations and stopped on a country station for a minute. They started playing the song, "Have You Forgotten" by Alan Jackson which is about 9/11 and I started sobbing. I nearly had to pull off the road to get my self composed before driving on. I am not sure what it was about that song or that moment that caused me such an emotional meltdown, but I am hoping those are few and far between.
I have noticed that I am feeling a little better, but I have felt extremely tired this week. If I am at home, I want to be laying down. I did manage to do a couple of loads of laundry this morning and clean off the kitchen counter. Hopefully, the cleaning streak can continue as our bedroom looks like a tornado has come through! We're off to the doctor this afternoon. I will try to post an update when we get home!
Have a blessed day!
Posted by The Peppler Family at 10:20 AM 0 comments
Prayers for Maci
Hi to all! I just wanted to post a quick note to ask for prayers for my friends Jayme and Mike and their new baby girl, Maci. She was born on Sunday morning and is in the NICU due to high bilirubin levels. It sounds like her levels are coming down, but if you think of it today, could you send a prayer up for her and for her parents as they adjust to life as Mommy and Daddy.
Posted by The Peppler Family at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Week 9 Update
I just got home from getting my haircut and there was a lady there whose daughter is expecting triplets! YIKES! Ryan and I were just talking about multiples last night, and believe me, we are hoping this grape will not be a cluster!
I finally filled my presciption for Zofran last night. After the apple juice episode Sunday night, I decided to give up on toughing it out and take the medicine. So far, it has worked! One of my friends at work told me that the medicine causes constipation... Ha! It seems to have the opposite effect on me! I'll spare you the details!
Anyway, cravings for this week include... a hot ham and cheese sandwich from Hardee's, Walmart brand fruit snacks (I ate the whole bag), and Cheerios. I also switched to Flintstone Gummi Vitamins this week and they are FABULOUS! I don't think Flurry will have to worry about getting enough vitamins from now on. Ryan is going to have to ration them out!
Nothing else to report, except that the baby's name will NOT be Gilbert!
Have a great week!
Posted by The Peppler Family at 5:14 PM 1 comments
Posted by The Peppler Family at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 21, 2008
Just in case you were wondering....
Just in case you ever wondered whether apple juice and chocolate Riesens were a good combination.... they're not! I decided apple juice sounded so good last night, so Ryan went to Walgreens and got me some. He also brought me my favorite chocolate snack. I don't think he intended for me to eat them together. Well, the apple juice tasted so good, I thought I would try the Riesens, too! Ha! I was soooooo sick! Needless to say, I did not have either of those items for breakfast this morning! Oh well, live and learn!
Have a great week!
Posted by The Peppler Family at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Week 8 Update
Well, I had my first doctor's appointment today. It was just a meeting with the nurse to update my history, answer lots of questions, and get orders for a set of labs that I will have before my next appointment. I also got a prescription for some nausea medicine (HOORAY!). It's too early to listen to the heartbeat without doing an ultrasound, and my physician will not do an ultrasound until 20 weeks unless there is a reason to. I guess at this point, no news is good news. My next appointment is January 30th and they think they will be able to hear the heartbeat by then with a doppler. I hope so!
Otherwise classes started yesterday, so I am trying to juggle clinicals and work and a little housework in between somewhere (which Ryan can tell you I have totally dropped the ball on lately)! I am very tired, but seem to be holding up pretty well so far!
For those of you who were concerned about our baby having a tail last week, during week 8, the tail nearly disappears and our baby has grown to the size of a kidney bean! I am wondering how many different food references there will be to the size of the baby! Hopefully, one week soon, Flurry will be the size of a scoop of icecream or a cheeseburger! YUM!
Posted by The Peppler Family at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Week 7 update
Well, this week our baby has a tail and is the size of a blueberry. Flurry is growing hands and feet this week which look more like paddies than acutal fingers and toes. Ryan thinks it's hysterical that Flurry has a tail! He pointed at me and laughed last night and said, "Ha, Ha! The baby looks like a blueberry and has a tail!" I am really looking forward to having two children in the house once Flurry arrives!
I think I have kind of gotten a handle on the morning sickness. I figured out that for me it is important to eat less food more often! As you read in Ryan's post, I bought lots of snack foods last night at the grocery (granola bars, vanilla wafers, yogurt smoothies). Hopefully these will help curb my hunger and visits to the bathroom.
I go to the doctor a week from today. Thanks to everyone who is praying for Flurry and mommy during this exciting time!
Posted by The Peppler Family at 10:48 AM 2 comments
Monday, January 7, 2008
Well, Jamie is not allowed to go to the grocery store with me anymore!!! Being the expert coupon clipper that I am, I can usually save around 30-35% at the grocery store every week. Well, that was before I was shopping for a pregnant wife!!! I only saved 22% this week due to the snacks thrown in the cart!!! I can't complain though. My chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream might have put us over the top. I can't wait til Flurry is here so that I can show him/her how to save money at the grocery!!!
Posted by The Peppler Family at 7:34 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Late night cravings!
Well, Flurry and I are just finishing my shift at work (3p-3a) and I thought I would make a quick post to update everyone on the latest cravings! Today I ate cinnamon sugar toast followed by a chicken sandwich. Tonight I had chicken noodle soup, string cheese and a grape popsicle. Nothing too exciting to report. Today has been the longest stretch of awake time I have had without being sick for the last 6 days~about 13 1/2 hours so far and I will be up for at least another 2 hours, so this record might stand for awhile! Last week I had to stop at McDonald's on my way home from work for a cheeseburger (well, really 2!). I hopefully won't be making a habit of that! I think tonight I will just be happy to go home and close my tired eyes!
Hope everyone had a safe and happy new year! Blessings to you all in 2008!
Good night!
Posted by The Peppler Family at 2:30 AM 0 comments