Today, I am thankful for...
1. Two days off in a row. I had two pretty crazy days at work on Monday and Tuesday and I am so thankful to get to spend Wednesdays and Thursdays at home with Matthew... not that they're any less crazy... just better than being at work!
2. This little face. I just love being his mommny!
3. Good friends. Matthew and I had lunch today with a good friend from nursing school. She has a little girl named Maci with another on the way in September. It was good to chat and catch up on life! Matthew was infatuated with Maci!
4. Nap time. I think I might even get to enjoy a little siesta this afternoon!
5. Sweet moments. Matthew loves to give hugs and kisses on his own terms. I love it when he climbs up on my lap just to lay his little head on my shoulder!