Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Doctor's Appointment

Well, everything went great at the doctor's office yesterday. Much better, if you ask me (Ryan), considering the wait was about 15 minutes, rather than the 1 hour and 15 minute wait the last time! The most trouble we had was with the receptionist who did her best impression of the airline receptionist on Meet the Parents!!! If you haven't seen that movie, let me know, and I'll do my best impression!!!
Anyway, back to the doctor...
Dr. Bellavance was most concerned with Jamie's weight loss, but when Jamie informed her just how sick she's been getting, she understood. Hopefully, this sickness will end soon, and she can start enjoying this pregnancy a lot more. Flurry's heartbeat was easy to find this time, and the doctor said all seemed well!!! We are now scheduled for an ultrasound on March 31, where we will finally find out if Flurry is a HE or a SHE!!! We would love to hear of any "old wives tales" on how we can tell Flurry's gender. You can vote on whether you think Flurry will be a little girl or a little boy to the right. But until next time, pray for Jamie and Flurry and for her sickness to go away.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

If life gives you lemons, why not make lemonade?

Flurry is now the size of a lemon!!! He/she is now able to squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his/her thumb!!! And from the frequent trips to the bathroom that Flurry's mother is making, I can only assume that Flurry is peeing a lot!!! I think Flurry was upset at us last night. Probably not the last time he/she will be upset with us!!! Anyway, Jamie wanted some nachos, and instead of going to Taco Bell, I decided I would make them. Well, apparently, nachos are not Flurry's favorite meal, judging from the 2 a.m. trip to the bathroom. Soon, we'll be off to another doctor's appointment. Wish us well!

Monday, February 25, 2008


I almost hate to make this post for fear of it back-firing on me, but I am so excited I can't resist! I FELT GREAT TODAY! I haven't felt the least bit nauseous and haven't taken any medicine either! I even ate Applebee's BBQ chicken wings and salad that the drug rep brought for lunch! YIPPEE! Now, I am well aware that this could be a temporary situation, but I thought I would celebrate for the moment! Right now I am sitting here in my pajamas (it's 4:30 PM) enjoying some cinnamon gummi bears! Ryan is going to be thrilled when he gets home to see that I am ready for bed~sleeping is my new favorite hobby, especially after a day at clinical!

In other news, I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow. Should just be a routine check, but hopefully we will be given the order to get our ultrasound at the next visit! HOORAY! Will post more after the appointment.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Twins, Hemorrhoids, or Kicking?

This was how I was greeted by someone at church this morning, "Congratulations! I just heard you were expecting yesterday and that you're having twins!" Word certainly travels fast! However, due to the high number of rumors, phone calls, and emails we have received over the past couple days, we have decided to let the cat out of the bag early! We are NOT expecting twins and I have NOT felt the baby kick, so now you can draw your own conclusions as to what the new development at our house is! From now on, I will have to be a little bit more cautious with revealing any new developments at our house. Sorry for the disappointment!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Weight Gain - A Husband's View . . .

It seems that there is this little known idea that the husband of a pregnant wife is known to gain a few extra pounds during the pregnancy. Whether this is because there is extra food around, or the husband doesn't want the wife to feel bad, chances are that he may put on a some extra poundage as the baby develops. As I was wolfing down my second brownie the other night (after finishing off a bag of Doritos) Jamie looked at me and just laughed. We came to realize that I, not her, had gained more weight this pregnancy!!! So, in an attempt to shed some of this unwanted "winter weight", as I call it, I jumped on the treadmill last night, and set it for 1 hour. After 25 minutes, my legs were hurting so bad, I had to jump off!!! Oh, well. Winter will be over soon, but in the mean time, I guess I'll just have to finish off those brownies!!!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

A New Development...

Well, there is a new development in the Peppler household! We are still trying to take it in! After much persistence we have finally begun to accept this news! You can bet this little addition will add a few more sleepless nights to Jamie's schedule over the next several months. One week from today we will tell the world our BIG news!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Myth or Fact?

Nausea subsides by the end of the first trimester?
Answer: Myth!!!
I was very prepared to start feeling much better yesterday morning! I figured a switch would flip and Flurry and I would start enjoying all kinds of different foods! HA! I was mistaken! Oh well, maybe next week!

Shrimp & Eggs

Well, week 13 is here, and it is time for a growth update. As you can see from the picture, Flurry is about the size of a 3-inch long shrimp. Flurry's skin is still so thin that you would be able to see the veins and organs right through the skin!!! Thankfully, Flurry's body is starting to catch up with the size of his/her head. Something I thought was especially interesting...If Flurry is a girl, she already has 2 million eggs in her ovaries, which is pretty amazing, considering she only weighs an ounce!!! Also, Flurry can be identified now, considering that his/her fingerprints have formed.

In other news, Jamie and I got to babysit for our nephew last night. I think we both decided we can hardly wait for our little one to get here!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Countdown to the 2nd trimester!

Well, in less than 24 hours we will have begun the 2nd trimester of this pregnancy! Despite all the sickness and sleepiness, I can say the past 3 months have gone quickly (Ryan probably disagrees). I am beginning to feel a little better each day. I haven't had to take any medicine today and only was sick one time yesterday! THAT IS A HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT!

My new favorite food is spaghetti!!!! I have eaten an entire box in the last 18 hours! I really only like Prego mushroom sauce, but Ryan is just glad that I have found something that tastes yummy! Our next doctor's appointment is a week from Tuesday, so hopefully there will be no drama between now and then! Hope everyone has a great week!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Key Lime Pie and Sunglasses

Well, it's time for the weekly growth chart picture. This week, Flurry is about the size of a lime. Now, for some of the developments going on: Flurry has started to produce urine, which is just fabulous. Also, if Jamie prods her stomach, Flurry will move, although Jamie won't be able to feel him/her. Flurry's ears have moved to their final resting place!!! But the best thing of all is that Flurry's eyes have moved from the side of his/her face to the front, making Flurry's face look definitively human!!! Which, if nothing else, means that Flurry will be able to wear sunglasses!!! Mommy and Daddy are so proud!!! Hope all is well with everyone!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A New Experience

FAIR WARNING!!! THIS POST IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART! I love putting stuff like that at the beginning of posts because even those people who probably shouldn't read what I have to say cannot possibly resist the urge to read it anyway!

I was getting ready to leave work around 3:30 this morning and I didn't feel very good. Since this has become a typical experience over the last several weeks, I decided to start home and thought I could talk myself out of getting sick. Well... as I was veering onto I-69 I decided there was no way I was going to make it. Since it was so early in the morning, I did not want to pull off the road and throw up because I thought there might be a police officer who pulled me over because he/she thought I had been partying a little too hard, and I was not in the mood to try to explain myself. So, I pulled out my trusty Lutheran Hospital cup and proceeded to throw up as I was driving down 69 at 70 mph! Well, I threw up several times, each time making my deposit in the cup, until the last time! I went to grab the cup and before I knew it, there it was, fresh puke all over the front of me! What a mess! By now, I am ready to get off 69 and onto US 30 and I had nothing in the car to wipe myself off with. So, I decided to drive to the rest area (which I know and have been reminded several times that this was probably not the safest decision, however, desperate times call for desperate measures). I walked into the rest stop, dumping my cup in the grass as I went and, of course, there were no PAPER TOWELS! So, I proceeded to wipe myself off with toilet paper and wash my cup out for the rest of the journey home. Luckily, I made it home without having the urge to get sick again. Since this morning, I have stocked my car with paper towel, wet wipes, and a puke basin! I will be prepared the next time little Flurry decides to have a hiccup while I am driving!

Friday, February 8, 2008

199 days to go!

Look at the ticker at the top of the page! Less than 200 days to go! I feel like I am in elementary school again and the teacher has the countdown on the blackboard until summer vacation!

I think I am about over my nasty cold... or whatever I had. I am still coughing a little, but feeling well enough to go to work tonight, bummer!

I weighed myself this morning and I have lost 2.2 pounds! YAHOO! Now, for those of you who worry... losing weight in the first trimester is normal, especially if there has been morning sickness. There has been plenty of that! Today I got to revisit my Frosted Mini Wheats a second time.... that was disgusting! I am sure the scales will start going the other direction one of these days!

Hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Well, this week has been full of sneezing, coughing, and sniffing. I have a sinus infection and can't quite seem to get rid of it! The main problem is that when I cough, I gag, so it has intensified my not feeling well. Hopefully this little annoyance will pass soon. I stayed home from clinical today to try to give myself a chance to get better. I am hoping by tomorrow I will be good as new!

As far as Flurry goes, he/she doesn't seem to be minding that mommy is sick. Nothing to eat really sounds too good, but that is nothing new! I am looking forward to getting my appetite back one of these days. No crazy cravings this week. I did have Ryan stop and get me some OJ earlier this week at the Kwik Mart. A 1/2 gallon of OJ cost $4.29!!!!! I don't think we will be going there anymore for my afternoon cravings. Will try to have a more lively post later!
Take care!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sorry, honey!

Well, I definitely had a bit of an emotional meltdown last night. I have had a cold for the past couple days and Ryan got the brunt of me not feeling well and overreacting. Luckily, he handles these little setbacks in stride and remains calm when I am not at my best. Sorry, honey, for having to see the ugly cry... thanks for loving me anyway.

Did Someone Say Fig Newtons?

So, I've come up with yet another witty name for Flurry this week. In honor of Flurry being the size of a fig, I've decided my new favorite name is Newton!!! I'm sure Jamie is not quite as excited about the new choice of names, but we'll throw it into the mix!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Big News!

Not much to report this week in terms of Baby Flurry. It seems the child has started doing water ballet and having the hiccups as he/she continues to grow and develop. Flurry is just excited because he/she is going to have a new uncle! Rachel and Adam got engaged over the weekend! We are so excited for them and looking forward to hearing about all their wedding plans! Flurry can hardly wait to attend his/her first wedding... maybe inside mommy and maybe in the flesh! Congratulations Rachel and Adam! We are so happy for you!